Program 1


Student test scores are streamed on stdin. The first line is a number (k). Each subsequent line consists of a student ID, which is an alphanumeric string without spaces, and an integer between [0-1000]. The input is terminated with 2 newlines. Write a program which takes this input containing test scores and returns the student who has the maximum score averaged across his/her top k tests, followed by a newline. If the student has fewer than k test scores, ignore that student.

For this assignment, you must implement your own heap along with the percolate_up, percolate_down, and build_heap methods. Don't feel obligated to change your naming convention to match this; camelCase is fine, you don't have to use snake_case.

Sample Input

bob14 7
steve92 998
bob14 999
skip 1000
steve92 998
bob14 999

(end of file was two empty lines)

Sample Output
